Most of my recent posts have had a slightly desperate,
worried tone as I frantically try to finish my remaining lab work before my
September deadline. So, it is extremely nice to have some very good news to
share for once: quite simply, I have been offered the chance of a lifetime!
People often ask me what I will 'do next' after my PhD.
Whilst I can't give a definite answer beyond 'something else', I am fairly
certain that I won't stay within academia. I appreciate that many jobs are
stressful, but scientific research has a very particular set of pressures
(finding significant results; publishing high impact papers; competing for
funding and permanent positions) that I really don't want to be subjected to in
the long term. What really excites me are science-policy and
science-communication careers where I could help turn scientific research into
real impacts. Globally we face many urgent challenges that we can only solve
through wide-spread societal change, rather than just the personal decisions of
well-informed and well-resourced individuals. For this to happen, science needs
to come out of the laboratory. My dream job is likely to be working for a
research funding body, non-governmental organisation, international charity…. or
even parliament itself.
But careers in this area are competitive and it can be
difficult to know where to start. Which is why, for several years now, I have
had my eye on the Fellowship scheme run by the Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology (POST). These offer PHD students the chance to work in
parliament itself for 3 months, producing a briefing paper (POSTnote) for MPs
and other policy makers on a topical issue. Against all other internship
schemes, it stood out to me for several reasons:
It is directly related to policy work as the POSTnote
would be read by policy makers and could influence debate on the subject
It would be in the very heart of policy making
itself – including a security pass for the Houses of Parliament!
The networking opportunities would be
unprecedented: interacting every day with MPs, Select Committee staff and other
parliamentary bodies such as the libraries of the House of Commons and the
House of Lords.
POST produces briefing papers (POSTnotes) on topical science issues which are greatly valued by MPs and policy makers without a scientific background. Photo: Science in Policy Group, University of Sheffield |
I had thought that I wasn’t eligible as most of the
positions are funded through research councils, such as the Biotechnology and
Biological Sciences Research Council, BBSRC, and my PhD isn't funded by any of
these. But then I was made aware that the Institute of Food Science and
Technology, IFST, is also a partner of the POST Fellowship scheme. Given that I
work on a parasitic plant that damages food crops, I thought it was worth an
application. Amazingly, I was selected for an interview and suddenly had to
organise transport to Westminster, where POST are based.
I prepared as thoroughly as I could and was fortunate to
have guidance from both Dr Sarah Blackford, my careers mentor, and Dr Helen
Hicks, a fellow committee member of the University of Sheffield's Science in Policy
group who did a POST Fellowship herself several years ago. Nevertheless, I was
still very nervous on the day itself when I arrived at POST's headquarters at Tothill
Street in London, just a stone’s throw from the Palace of Westminster. Going
through a security check didn’t help! The questions mainly focused the briefing
paper I had submitted for the application: they seemed intrigued that I had chosen
to write about edible insects as a future protein source. I have recently
become very interested in the subject as I had been researching it for the last
outreach activity I was involved with for the British Science Association (Food
for the Future). Other questions asked me to describe my PhD work and
experiences in communicating science to non-specialist audiences.
The time seemed to pass very quickly and soon I was on the
coach ride home. I tried to put it out of my mind as much as I could. But the
very next day, just when I was checking my emails waiting for some reagents to
defrost, the news came through. Everyone in the vicinity was a little alarmed
when I fell off the chair and started jumping up and down with excitement!
Westminster, London - where I will be working next year! Photo: Wikipedia Commons, Daniel Bron |
So yes, a dream come true. It still doesn't feel real to say
the words out loud but next year I will be working at Westminster!!!! It feels
especially nice because all the activities and societies I have been involved
with -the Science in Policy Group; the British Science Association; the Society
for Experimental Biology; Pint of Science, etc- played a part in getting me
through as I drew on all of these experiences in the interview. I have often
felt guilty for spending time on these activities instead of my main PhD work,
even if I try to make up for it by working evenings and weekends. It is also
amazing to reflect on how far I have come from the schoolgirl who was too shy
to speak in front of the class. Many times in the past I have gone for opportunities
like these, only to have fallen short: there was always a slightly better
candidate, with more experience, confidence, etc. But just for once, it was
actually me.
I can't get carried away though as I still have to write my
thesis up first. After my lab work stops
at the end of September, I will focus on getting as much written up as possible
before starting at POST in February next year. At least it gives me some time
to get a new wardrobe! It does seem slightly ironic that I will spend three
months writing up the bulk of my thesis, which will only be read by 2-3 people,
before going on to work on a policy briefing note which could be read by
hundreds of people, including MPs and other policy makers. I will be proud of
both of them of course but in terms of impact, it doesn't come close!
Right, better get back to the plants! Thanks for reading – I
hope you have a great week ahead.
Doing what I love best - Science Communication! Photograph by Daniella Sasaki |