I know I’ve been a bit quiet on this blog
lately…my main excuse is that for the past 5 months most of my days have been
exactly the same, mired in the quagmire of writing up my thesis. (Although I
did have one escape – see link below *) I haven’t even had the usual non-stop
whirl of public lectures, cultural festivals, quirky events and jaunts to the
peak district to distract me because I am sadly no longer living in Sheffield.
Since my funding ended and I was told my lab work had to stop, I decided (as a typical
‘millennial’) to save a bit of rent by moving back in with my parents in the West
Continuing to follow modern trends, I
Googled for advice on managing this double-uprooting: leaving both the lab and
my adopted home. I found plenty of advice on the actual writing (the best
being: GET OFF THE INTERNET!) but not
a lot specific to being cut off from your research support network. So for what
it’s worth, here are some of the thoughts I’ve accumulated over the past
months. Since they have been hard-earned, I felt I had to get them down…who
knows, they may even benefit someone else one day!
Bring people on board: If your
housemates don’t work in research, it may be worth specifying what would and
wouldn’t be helpful to you. People generally mean well, so expect them to ask
how things are going (or even ‘Haven’t
you finished yet?!’). If you tend to spend more time browsing the internet
than actually writing, it might actually be a good thing to have a friend/family
member you are officially accountable to. On the other hand, these innocent
enquiries could be the last straw for your nerves after a frustrating day on
the thesis. To avoid outbursts of rage, consider investing in a ‘Don’t ask
about the thesis badge’, or use a code word to refer to it (‘unmentionable’, ‘You
know what’, ‘gremlin’, etc.)
A worthy investment - my favourite badge! |
Version control: However you do it –
meticulous file names, Google Drive, Cloud services – decide on a system of
version control before you start. After every meeting and round of feedback, a
lot of things will change. And often end up being changed back again. Knowing instantly which is the most
recently updated version of your chapter/data/figure can save a lot of
headaches. Which brings me to…
Don’t get precious. Writing a thesis is
not like following a recipe to make a cake: a step-by-step process with no
going back. It is more akin to chiselling away at a huge slab of marble to
liberate the sculpture hidden within ….. in a darkened room. Your idea (or at
least your supervisor’s idea) of the finished version will change and develop
over time. Those experiments that took forever to optimise, that graph you
spent ages perfecting, that long-winded analysis…don’t be surprised if it
doesn’t make the final cut. Your supervisors may well be as ruthless as
Hollywood directors in this! At the end of the day, your examiners won’t know
what you left out but they will ask why data is there if it doesn’t add
anything to the overall flow and message. Always refer back to your objectives.
Get it right first time: There’s only
one place for waffle and it’s the kitchen. When attempting to sound
‘scientific’, it is too easy to compose vague, rambling prose that doesn’t actually
make much sense. Imagine you are a journalist and can only write one draft
before the work is published- you have to get it right first time! Don’t be
afraid of using simpler language and shorter sentences. And be on the lookout
for the unnecessary of e.g.
‘expression of gene X varied
enormously’ compared with ‘gene X expression varied enormously’ – ruthlessly
eliminate! (your word count will thank you)
Expect it to be a rollercoaster. Some
days you will love what you are doing – here you are, living the PhD dream:
crafting your own magnus opus of original research to add to the body of human
knowledge. You remember why you applied for the project in the first place. You
may even be compelled to share your discoveries with complete strangers in the
street. Then depression hits and you are in the doldrums of despair: your data
doesn’t add up and instead AirBnB and Booking.com beckon, with their shiny
promises of escape to places where it is still possible to find someone who has
never read a scientific paper. It’s not you, it’s the process. Grit your teeth,
find a sympathetic ear to rant into, but keep persevering. And talking about Booking.com…
Focus: Ah the allure of the internet… one
click or two might seem harmless but before you know it, you’ve become
completely derailed, losing a whole hour scrolling through social media. What
works for me is setting an alarm (90 minutes to 2 hours), working solidly till
it rings, then allowing myself a short break to check for any urgent emails /
status updates. Focus is like a muscle: it can only get stronger if you
exercise it and push it out of its comfort zone by not giving in to distraction.
It DOES get easier. And after all, do you REALLY need to know ‘Fifty alternative
uses for biro pens”?!

Give yourself time off. Even if you are
writing up ‘full time’, remember that doing the same thing day after day blunts
your thinking and makes it more difficult to make connections and spot
patterns. Plan rewards and days out into your schedule – preferably something
that doesn’t relate to your work. Not only can you look forward to them during
your ‘down’ moments, but afterwards your thinking will be refreshed. Keep time
aside for exercise and creative activities (making music, drawing, even cooking
for your housemates) so you don’t become jaded.
Deadlines (hahaha!): By all means,
break your thesis down into smaller goals with a deadline for each. But don’t
be surprised if things take longer than you had anticipated– and don’t judge
yourself too harshly if it happens. Give yourself a day or two ‘slack’ time
after each deadline, so you can overrun if necessary, without throwing your
whole plan out of the window. And if you are on schedule, give yourself a treat
day out!
Don’t worry – my next blog post promises to be much more interesting as I am
shortly moving to London to start a 3-month internship at the
Parliamentary Officeof Science and Technology!!!! Very very excited …. And also nervous. Can I
SURVIVE in the big city? We will have to see…
* In the
meantime, you can read my summary of the Science and Technology Facilities
Council’s FoodNetwork+ annual meeting in January, where I learnt about some
fascinating innovations being investigated to make food supplies more
sustainable – find my blog post